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A lot of work was put into the creation of this seminar and this recording. We are pleased to let you use this seminar as you see fit, including the duplication and dissemination of the written and audio-visual materials. However, we would request that you give proper recognition to all those who have worked so hard to create these materials. We would request that you not sell any materials from this site at a profit. We would also appreciate you letting us know how you are using this seminar. It’s only polite and goes a long ways towards unity.

God bless.


The Spiritual Turkish Class was developed by PAM W; many of the handouts are hers and are used with permission. This seminar was presented in a modified and abbreviated form by RUTH F, CINDY L, DANA M, BRIAN P, KEN and RHONDA W.

Filmed by JOSH W
Editing and Graphic Design by HAWKE AI

This recording is Copyright © 2006 CS, Website is Copyright © 2014 CS