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Welcome to Spiritual Turkish Seminar Website

The Spiritual Turkish Seminar is a 21-session seminar that introduces the participants to vocabulary and speech forms used in the Turkish church. The participants will learn to pray in Turkish, learn about Turkish hymns, and learn about how to share their faith in Turkish. This web site contains a recording of the seminar that was given in Ankara in April 2006. It also contains all necessary resources for doing your own Spiritual Turkish Seminar. Take a look at HowTo.pdf as to how to do your own seminar.

The videos are hosted on Vimeo, but you can only access them through this website. Feel free to download the videos to show or watch them off-line. Some are quite large due to the length of the sessions. Downloading all of them will take more than 7 GB of space on your hard drive or flash disk. Please be aware of this. These videos will work very nicely if shown on a large-screen TV or using a projector. Be sure to have a good set of speakers when showing them to a larger group as the audio (especially of the participants) is a little weak in places.

Download these files before you start:

Questions, comments or suggestions? Please write to contact [at]